Basic InformationSpeciesPlease Fill in the species information of the animalDevice Weight (g)Weight of the device should be less than 3% - 5% of the animal body mass.Please fill in the weight of the DeviceDevice Height (mm)Feather of some birds may cover the solar panel of the device.Please enter a number 0 to 999DeploymentBackLegNeckWingEar (terrestrial)WaistOtherPlease describe your needs below.
Solar Charging ConditionLight Condition of the Tracking PeriodExcellent (e.g., sea birds)Moderate (open area)Weak (woods)No light (nocturnal animal)Please select one of these optionsOther Conditions That Can Affect the Charging
Data NeedsPositioning MethodGNSSArgos doppler locationLight-level geolocatorBeacon*Beacon* approximates device position by using the nearby gateway's locations as a reference, relying on the Intelink connection between the gateway and device.Environment DataLight intensityAmbient temperatureWater pressureWet and dry detectionActivity dataODBA (Overall Dynamic Body Acceleration)Behaviour recognition3-axis acceleration data3-axis geomagnetic dataExpected Data Collecting Frequency & DurationImportant for us to evaluate model selection. For example, GPS per hour for 12 months, or ACC with 3s/600s duty cycle.Device Memory Needs.Current device memory planDevice memory customizationThe device memory is divided into 3 parts:1. First part for regular data (collected following the intervals you set). For example, if you set to collect GPS and ENV every hour, ENV data at 1 hour, and ODBA data every 10 minutes, then 460 days of such data can be stored. If you reduce the intervals by half, then the duration also reduced by half.2. Second part for BOOST data. When the solar charging condition is good, the device will automatically increase the data collecting frequency, such as 5 min GPS, or even 20s GPS. The data recorded this way will be stored separately, and a total of 99 days of such data can be stored.3. Third part for x/y/z acceleration data. About 1.11 million pieces of such data can be stored, which equals to about 12 hours for continuous x/y/z acceleration data collecting at 25Hz.My Device Memory Customization Needs
Tracking AreaTracking AreaLocalMigrationTerritory RangeNetwork CoverageMigration RouteRough information of migration route will help us determine the network-type selection, e.g. 5G is good in Europe, but not in Africa, and 2G is unavailable in Australia. If you have no idea, just leave it blank.Habitat TypeForestSavannaGrasslandWetlands (inland)Rocky areas(e.g., inland cliffs, mountain peaks)Caves & subterranean habitats (non-aquatic)DesertMarine neriticMarine intertidalMarine coastal/supratidalOther
OtherCan you approach the animal to download data?YESNOHow close can you get?<10 m10 m to 50 m50 m to 100 m100 m to 500 m500 m to 1000 m1000 m to 5000 mOther Requirements
DeliveryDevice QuantityPlease Fill in the quantity of the deviceExpected Delivery DatePlease fill in the expected delivery time«‹March 2025›»SunMonTueWedThuFriSat2324252627281234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303112345
ContactFirst NamePlease fill in your first nameLast NamePlease fill in your last nameMobilePlease fill in the correct phone formatEmailPlease fill in your email addressMessage