IntelinkGO is a mobile App and virtual community for enabling researchers to collaborate efficiently and promoting crowd contributors to help on device deployment, data collection, species survey, etc. Learning from the wisdom of traditional banding, Druid leverages the smartphone to establish a sharing platform, as IntelinkGO, complied with multiple interesting functions for citizen science. See the field use casehere
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Register a unique ID which can be linked with the existing Ecotopia account.

Post wildlife ID, text contents, photos, movies, and stories in public forum.

Follow the updates from interesting or intimate people with subscription.

Establish a group chat for remote collaboration and efficient discussion.

Share data from Ecotopia in forum or in group chat with access authorization.

Request a collaborating task for wildlife questing in public or in private.

Help unknown others to stream encrypted data to their Ecotopia account.*

Generate realtime ACC data with video record and behavior label for modeling.

* Especially for remote transmitting devices such as DEBUT NANO, DEBUT GEO, etc.


Intelink is a fundamental remote controlling and transmitting technology from Druid innovation package, originating from optimized BLE for 1 km coverage and LoRa for up to 5 km coverage, which implements data interaction of DEBUT devices or between DEBUT devices and smartphones with the installation of IntelinkGO or Ecotopia App. The initial purpose of Intelink development is to establish the connection between DEBUT series devices and smartphones for command and control with closed loop recording, which keep on evolving to function as signal geofencing, proximity sensing, and alternative data transmitting option other than satellite and cellular network. In the future, Intelink will act as the last piece jigsaw of ubiquitous network and a key driven force to better popularize citizen science via IntelinkGO. Intelink facilitates the following applications including:
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Operate devices wirelessly with authentication

Turn on/off, command setting and OTA through smartphone

Search or count nearby wildlife tagged by DEBUT series

Download and stream data remotely without recapture

Evaluate the proximity among devices via signal strength

Monitor wildlife activity near home range based on Ubicomp

Establish the local area network powered by gateways

Collect ACC realtime raw data with label and video record. Learn more

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Instant Online Communication
Establish a group chat for remote collaboration and efficient discussion with animal & ecology researchers, conservationists, or enthusiasts worldwide.
Chat with our experts to get your exclusive solutions on product customization, device deployment, and other product related consultancy.
Get instant technical support from our specialists whenever you come across any issues or questions regarding our devices and platforms.
Go to start exploring our community or send an email tosales@druid.techto describe your needs.
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Electronic Banding
Bird banding, also called bird ringing, is the attachment of a small, individually numbered metal or plastic tag to the leg or wing of a wild bird to enable individual identification. With a history of more than 2000 years, bird banding is one of the oldest and most important techniques helps in keeping track of the movements of the bird and its life history. Thanks to the development of semiconductor industry, Druid has the fortunate opportunity to upgrade this traditional methodology to the new generation, electronic band which is deployable, affordable, durable, and capable of active and continuous recording unique identified wildlife with its location, environment and behavior information, without challenging the traditional banding method. Inheriting the spirit of bird banding, electronic band follows the wisdom of collaboration without borders, while the location and ODBA transmitting network is established by crowd contribution.
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Instant Online Communication

Druid welcome experienced researchers enthusiastic about new technologies and products in animal tracking and data collection, to join us as a beta user.

What we provide to you

Get Druid latest products powered by DEBUT OS for advanced research

Pay promotion price (up to 50%) for the beta version and discounted price(20%) for the official version.

What we need you to do

Deploy the beta products within 6 months after parcel delivery.

Share photos of the deployed wildlife and experience of product functionality, performance, etc.

Become a Distributor

Become a Distributor Druid has established a global sales network by providing technical support to agents, sharing substantial profit, and improving user experience and maintain customer loyalty through a series of after-sales services. In order to propagate spirit the IntelinkGO and provide users with better local service and support, we are looking for distributing partners around the world.

Education & Research

Engage in ecological conservation and education, wildlife scientific research and other related work


Provide supplies or services to ecological or animal related research and activities


Hold strong interest or volunteer in wildlife observation and related technologies and solutions

Become a Contributor
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Data Collection

IntelinkGO facilitates users to contribute data collection with many options. Contributors can respond to a public task request and help download encrypted data from authorized devices on the wildlife around, or scan the presence of the wildlife with electronic band or other Debut series devices and share the location information to certify the coexistence in a certain time. Debut series devices all support accelerometer data streaming, which enables contributors to generate massive real time raw data with labels and video recordings using your own smartphone at any time and anywhere in the world. Crowd contribution is the most efficient way to establish the labeled data library for behavior algorithm modeling and movement ecology research.

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Infrastructure Buildup

The development of wildlife trackers driven by a variety of technology provides massive data and saves time for observation, while tracker deployment stays challenging for most researchers. Before sitting in the office and waiting for the satisfying data, researchers usually have to travel to unfamiliar remote areas (such as sites for breeding, stopover, or wintering, etc.) , struggle with the harsh environment and pray for good luck to wildlife catching, despite the fact some of them are lacking of field work experience. All of the above bring high costs and inconvenience to scientific research. Druid is committed to connecting global users to achieve collaborative sharing of resources and capabilities, and sincerely invites people with extensive experience in tracker deployment of a certain species to become our deployment service contributors. Your service will be able to precisely help people over the world who are interested in the study of this species.

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Deployment Service

Druid is committed to building a “biological ubiquitous network” with low cost, powerful functions, simple maintenance and excellent scalability. The performance of the network highly depends on the infrastructure, which is the deployment of enough and diverse transmitting nodes. Researchers will be able to achieve data collection of small species with the network far exceeding traditional ways, thereby launching new research topics. Join IntelinkGO, contribute and maintain your own spot to light the earth and ecosystem, embrace all the live creatures.
