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Scenarios for marine animals

Druid developed the first marine prototype device for tracking turtles in 2020. The prototype was built with a variety of functions, including wet/dry switch, GNSS fixing, pressure and temperature sensing, etc. The tracking summary data can be transmitted through satellites in the ocean and through cellular networks near the coast area. Most detailed data can be downloaded by Intelink if the device is achieved or the turtle is recaptured.The exploration of the ocean is not always plain sailing. The study turned out to be a sad story a few weeks after the deployment, when the device began to constantly transmit data with slow movement on the coast. Rescue volunteers found the turtle dead after a severe boat strike and the tracking data records this accident in a digital way.

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ODBA chart shows the abnormal activity when the tragedy happened

Failure never stops but encourages us to keep ahead on the way to the extreme. Druid has developed YACHT with satellite transmitting capability and YAWL powered by Intelink. They both can work under several hundred meters of water with the epoxy resin injection into the 3D printing housing, and generated promising data for tracking penguins.

DEBUT marine tracking solutions leverage the function of wet/dry detection to deactivate GNSS modules for saving energy and to record movement strength, depth and temperature simultaneously, which can illustrate the diving activity similar to avian flight. The locations of targeted species will be revealed by GNSS fixing and the tracking data will be transmitted when coming out of the surface. In 2021, YACHTs deployed on emperor penguins sent the first GNSS fix from the continent of Antarctica.

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GNSS track of a penguin in Antarctica area

Druid will redesign Flex, the first released product in the DEBUT series, as a massive production version with injection molding housing, 100+ meter water resistance, modulated hardware components and flexible compatibility including marine application in 2022.

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