Weight. Lighter.
Druid developed our DEBUT series prototype, an avian tracking collar at 45 grams in 2016. We continue pushing the weight boundary with innovative design and revolutionary transmitting technology to decrease the size of devices for adding more trackable species into the list. In 2021, we introduced our smallest device DEBUT NANO M series at 2 grams, which provided precise GNSS, continuous ODBA, accurate temperature and lightness powered by micro solar panels and INTELINK wireless transmitting technology.
Innovations never stop. In 2022, Druid will forge ahead to launch GNSS-cellular tracker and PTT at 2 grams, wireless GNSS tracker at around 1 gram, and devices can be used on a hummingbird.
Life. Durable.
Resolution. Higher.
Data. Comprehensive.

DEBUT, short for Devices of Biological Ubiquitous Telecommunication, is originated from our visionary mission of establishing a ubiquitous network for digital clone of wildlife in the nature by sensors. Druid developed a wireless communication package to satisfy various requirements on energy consumption, device weight, charging condition, network coverage, and executing cost for tracking purposes. The ubiquitous communication package combines 10 different data transmitting technology including: Remote: RFID | BLE| LoRa Cellular: 2G | 3G | 4G | 5G Satellite: Argos | Iradium | Globalstar*

The ubiquitous communication package combines 10 different data transmitting technology including:

○ Remote: RFID | BLE| LoRa

○ Cellular: 2G | 3G | 4G | 5G

○ Satellite: Argos | Iridium | Globalstar*

* in development

OEM Developer
Share and Help
Data and Analysis
Biological Ubiquitous Infrastructure
Hardware as a Terminal
Software as a Service


Energy Management

Debut OS

Operating System


On-board Computing


Behavior Recognition Algorithm

Core Innovations
The concept of Biological Ubiquitous Network was initiated by Druid. It is the infrastructure for digital cloning, that is, mapping animals in the physical world onto the virtual world of the internet by collecting data about their identities, locations, surrounding environment, and behaviors. With patented technologies of IREM and UBICOMP as well as satellite telemetry, Druid solved the problem of energy insufficiency which has been the bottle-neck of traditional IoT, achieved ubiquitous sensing and networking, and will finally establish constant information exchange between human and nature. Following its own development path of “terminal, system, network, data and then algorithm”, Druid is devoted to establishing a closed-loop ecosystem for accurate data acquisition and in-depth data mining based on the other two core innovations of DEBUT OS and ANIACT Intelligence. Druid is joining hands with many partners around the world in scientific research, conservation, and industry application to get insights about the environment and nature through big data quantification, help people explore the wonder of nature and, in the end, realize the harmonious development of our planet.


Short for ubiquitous computing, Ubicomp refers to the on board processing capability, to make operating decision or to conduct data calculation independently and intelligently. Ubicomp enables intelligent adjustment on the frequency and category of data collection, according to time, location, environment, device status, as well as behavior facilitated by Aniact Intelligence. Ubicomp helps achieving the optimal balance among data acquisition priority, device status, animal status, and environment situation. Druid keep improving the package of algorithms which compiled Ubicomp, in order to enhance Debut series flexibly tailored to suit various research goals.

Aniact Intelligence

Druid is motivated to embrace the era of movement ecology for wildlife research and our first prototype device was born with the function of real time ODBA. DEBUT series not only support the traditional method for collecting raw accelerometer data, but also push forward to process the raw data on board for behavior recognition. In order to achieve such goals, the researchers implement IntelinkGo app to stream real time accelerometer data from devices within visual range and record the behavior with label description. The labeled data is validated for training models which can be installed over the air (OTA) into the device to facilitate the capability of behavior recognition. Learn more


DEBUT series support energy based Ubicomp, as mentioned as BOOST (Battery Optimized Overclocking Strategy Tuning), to acquire data in high frequency when energy is sufficient. It can also adjust the data collecting frequency down for constant sampling intervals with achievement of energy balance, relieving users from manually changing the settings to battle with variable weather conditions for maximizing data harvest.Learn more


DEBUT series support time based Ubicomp to execute independent data collecting and transmitting modes in different periods of the day or different seasons of the year, enabling users to obtain high data resolution in the time frame they address or to extend battery life by stopping collecting the data they are not interested in. This function is specially customized for tracking research of bats and hibernation animals and studies related to diurnal rhythm. Learn more


DEBUT series launched location based Ubicomp in 2022, enabling users to specify independent data collecting and transmitting strategies in multiple geographic fences for range related studies. DEBUT HUB and DEBUT TAG support proximity functions as alternative geo-fence with circle range of diameter at 100 m to 500 m, which push real time enter/exit notification despite of the switch of working mode of the device. Learn more


DEBUT series, leveraging the power of Aniact Intelligence, support behavior based Ubicomp, helps users to program specific data acquisition modes for recognizing the behaviors of resting, flying, walking, diving, or different mortality levels. Druid keeps accumulating algorithms into our library with the contribution from our global users and volunteers of citizen science or wildlife conservation communities. Learn more

Testing and QC
Druid developed a performance simulation and testing platform during the R&D process of the DEBUT series, in order to validate the influence of temperature and humidity change, ultraviolet radiation aging and physical abrasion and collision, etc. on the performance of operation and communication. The standard operating procedures (SOPs) is then determined and applied to massive production accordingly for quality control (QC).
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